Friday, July 1, 2011

here comes the bride.....and the army of kids

Just a sliver of our time together in SC to celebrate Sandra & JK's wedding....

Pre-wedding pool party kid-style.

Back at the pool with proper swim attire, Mateo hams it up.

And Leo too!

Aqua twins Lucy and Annabelle.

Little swimmer Linnea.

Team melon: Will, Izzy, Linnea.

Wedding prep begins....Andrea dons the top-o-head fluff.


Next victim.

The brush: a modern miracle.

Bride Auntie San does Annabelle's hair.

Emma, Annabelle, and Lucy keep close tabs on Auntie San.

Mr. Sporty rolls in.

Little fluffball and Daddy taking it E-Z.

Post-wedding troupe heads to the party.

The happy and hungry couple!

Louis and Will cut a rug on the dance floor!!

Chocolate covered strawberry and fluffy dress meet.

With wedding festivities over, we continue to party it up.

Ice cream for all!

Jason and the PB&J assembly line.

Who needs lunch when there is sand?

Playing, digging, splashing, dancing, laughing, eating, spilling, swimming, hugging, crying....

Fun times for all.