Wednesday, June 15, 2011

two wigs and a spoon

While the parental units hustle and bustle about, little ones spend their time...

riding back-pack style with Daddy-o,

having silly wig fun,

can't forget the mud,

(Oh la la.....)

getting to know my new friend, spoon,

and lots of fun in our woodsy backyard home.

Welcome summer.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

sand, sun

No weeds to pull,

no seeds to sow,

no dishes to wash.

Just lots of sun and sand,

on our mini-vacation day to Madeline Island....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

porch, in review

Happy Birthday to Jason, and happy finally completed porch!

Such a wonderful place to play,


and escape from the summer heat.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

once again....

Neglected again, this time for reasons of the camera M.I.A. in southern WI for the past few weeks....hopefully it will return soon, and the visual catalog will continue. In the meantime, our memories take over where our camera has missed: some photos via words....
  • Giant handfuls of asparagus from our wild patch. Every few days, we gather another big bundle and revel in the taste of spring.
  • Sweaty baby naps in the stroller. Sleeping, now, under the big and blooming crab-apple tree as petals fall like snow all around.
  • Playing in a nearby wetland and happening upon a few frogs. We sit and watch - how can they be so still? What happens when we throw sticks at them?....oops.
  • Finding spring treasures, lost all winter long under the snow: Annabelle's smashed and dirty bunny, nestled under a bush in the garden; Louis' long lost pint-sized shovel; the 2nd winter sled, hidden under the log pile.
  • Rows everywhere - leeks, peppers, tomatoes, beans, radish, spinach, peas, eggplant, carrots, etc....all standing attentively and patiently waiting for little hands to pick.
  • The last day of Kindergarten - we all breathe a sigh of summer and resolve to spend our months in picnic and play.
  • Little baby bird legs come out of hibernation after a season of pants. High-stepping and running around outside, in little summer suits, so happy to be amongst the activity.
  • The cycle of days -- of work, of play, of growing, of the mish-mosh of trying to weed, water, and tend children, animals, and plants - somehow at the same time.