Sunday, November 30, 2008

one turkey, a fishtail, and a septic snake

My, what a delicious looking turkey. I wonder where you could get one....maybe ??

Let's see how the drumstick holds up to San's tastetest.

"Mmm, now that's a good drummie."

After turkey festivities, Auntie San and Annabelle cajole about,

Louis buzzes the bus,

and Jason experiences modern living with help from the dishwasher. Here he shows us his soon-to-be patented "fish-tail" plate loading schemata.

Louis and Phoebe relax old style in front of the TV. Poor pup's eyesight isn't what it used to be....looks like she thinks the TV is on the floor.

All's well that ends well. Jason earns his son-in-law stripes by helping his Pop-in-law with a few septic system issues. Maybe that turkey was TOO good??