Monday, December 14, 2015

weekend list



 Gingerbread house extravaganza: 


3 year old mischief: you betcha. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015


 Someone is VERY excited

to have learned how to ride her bike this week!!

BWCA or bust

 A very delayed portrayal of an

 end of summer trip to the BWCA by these 3. 

 Just a slim selection of photos that

 Annabelle took from their trip

 with Daddy.

 From all the stories, it was a special and 

 exciting adventure, and a

very sweet way to wrap up the summer! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

girls x7, take 2

2nd annual girls-only camping trip! 

 Auntie Tree Hugger, 

 mushroom seeking cousins,

(little photographers took at least 50 more mushroom pictures....)

 soaking HOT feet in the cool stream, 

 and fire-master teen.

 So many smiles and laughs, 

 woodsy memories,

and piles of goofy pics.

Such fun!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

and they're off

Hello Kindergarten!  

And good-bye

1/2 of family!

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Finally, Operation Playhouse 

 is complete. 

 Just in time for

 making woodsy stews and 

having a little place to call home.

Friday, August 7, 2015

off camera

Somehow the camera was just out of reach to capture the latest chapter in our camping adventures: bee stings, 

leaping flames from the pan of butter that caught on fire (quite an impressive sight), 

 strained back from carrying toddler on front + giant pack on back, 

 endless chorus of "are we there yet?",

and 104.5 degree fevers. 

We gather memories like beachcombers at the shore, each one as unique as the other and file them away

in this great adventure we call Family.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

all things pig & garlic

 Lots of snout time around here lately --

an endless source of entertainment.

 Lots and lots

 and lots of garlic on these hot harvesting days.

And cushy rides for lucky little ones.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Lake Spit

Sunny beach days reign,

clad in goggles 

 and sandy mini-speedos.

Overheard beachy conversations include:
"Let's pick up one grain of sand," shortly followed by

 "Let's make a lake of spit!".....Oh, brothers.